My 2024 Recap

2024 has been… interesting. I say that with truly mixed emotions. There have been some incredibly high highs and big personal wins that I’m deeply thankful for. To say I’m blessed feels like an understatement.

This year, I started a fantastic new 9-to-5 job and was promoted after just six months. I went on an amazing cruise with my sweet family, lost nearly 29 pounds, and watched Joy continue to grow (thankfully). I’ve deepened my daily practice of quiet time, started reading again, and now work on an amazing team with some of the most enlightened people I’ve ever met. I’ve also made strides in decluttering my home and even grew a thriving spring garden.

It’s also been a journey of healing. Some of that journey has been really fun, while other parts have made me want to scream. One of the most memorable conversations I had this year was with someone truly human-centric. Back in October, she said, “I think you have PTSD from corporate.” And you know what? She was right.

Sixteen years of sustained racial microaggressions and "nice-nasty" critiques cloaked in a “work harder” environment can take a toll on anyone. I survived corporate America, but I honestly don’t know how to feel about that. I’m proud of my accomplishments, but it’s sad that survival is even part of the narrative.

Today, I’m actively working on my relationship with work. I’ve created a place for it, and I no longer allow it to spill outside the boundaries I’ve set. I still give it my all, but not all of me—and I’m perfectly okay with that.

This year hasn’t been without its challenges. The job market has been tough. I’ve seen more clients struggle than I’d like—dealing with burnout, endless job searches, and no resolution in sight. Many have faced being asked to do more with less, toxic environments, and bad bosses. If this year has taught me anything, it’s that life requires stamina, and job searches now demand a special kind of resilience.

I wish we weren’t forced to flex those muscles so often, but here we are. And honestly, I’m not sure 2025 will bring much relief. Things may get worse before they get better.

So, what’s the point? The point is, we’re all still here. Despite what often feels like chaos, we’re still standing—doing our best. And that’s all anyone can ask of us.

We can decide where we want to excel and go for it. Focus on the positives and accept that not everything has to be perfect all the time. Heal what hurts, love on someone who needs it, and just keep rowing.

Despite the craziness, we will have wins. Things will get better. And while hope isn’t a strategy, it’s always a comfort.


Ins and Outs for 2025


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