Hello There!

I hope your summer is coming to a close in all the ways you want it to!

While I honor the professional coaching relationship, I think it’s important for you to know a bit about me too. After all, we’re all human!

Here are 5 Fun Things to Know About Me:

  1. Texas Roots: Born and raised in Houston, now living in Dallas. I’ve also called Eden Prairie, MN; Waco, TX; Phoenix, AZ; and Mendoza, Argentina home. I even spent time in Vancouver, WA when my parents lived there.

  2. Only Child: Growing up, I sometimes wished for a sibling, but now I see the unique blessings of being an only child. It taught me independence early on!

  3. First Job Blues: I hated my first job out of college. I once called my dad in tears because I had nothing to do. Now, I laugh about it, especially with every career promotion.

  4. Distinct Laugh: People say my laugh is contagious, like Betty Rubble or a dolphin. I love to laugh and use humor to get through tough times.

  5. Direct but Warm Coach: I’m direct yet supportive. I’ll hold you accountable and be honest, but also create a space for you to grow, learn, and find joy in your career and life.

Are you surprised by any? Relate to anything? I’d love to know!




Feeling Out of Balance?